This weekend, from 4th to 5th of July 2022, we had our face to face kick off meeting which has been held in Pułtusk/Poland.
Representatives of the partner institutions from Saygın Eğitimciler ve Girişimciler Derneği, from Istanbul/Turkey, Asociatia Edulifelong from Târgu Jiu /Romania, Genç Girişim Eğitim Gençlik ve Spor Klubü from Ankara/Turkey were hosted by the coordinator organisation , Publiczna Szkoła Podstawowa nr 4 im. Ireny Szewińskiej w Pułtusku.
On Monday morning, on behalf of the Mayor of Pułtusk, we were received by the Secretary and representatives from in the field of education.
After signing the bilateral agreements between the project coordinator, and partner institutions, the consortium discussed about the overall project implementation schedule, defining timelines and respective duties. We have also defined the directions and principles of cooperation as well as the scope of the trainings as well as a detailed schedule of activities have been established.
Publiczna Szkoła Podstawowa nr 4 im. Ireny Szewińskiej w Pułtusku, Asociatia Edulifelong,Sayeg Derneği,Young Initiative Education, Youth and Sports Club Association-GENÇ Girişim